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About us,

Children and Fathers Together was founded because of the thousands of fathers who have felt the same pain and shed the same tears over the loss of our children. Today in courts all around the United States, fathers are denied access to their children. It has become all to common for not just fathers to be punished for nothing, but our children are being punished as well. We at C.F.T. understand the frustration experienced by the non-custodial father. We are dedicated to bringing Children and Fathers Together.

We should not and cannot stop fighting for our rights. Our children are hurting. All too often, we hear about our children hurting and killing each other. If they are not killing each other by violence, they are doing it with drugs. We cannot afford to stay silent. "We need our children and our children need us."

C.F.T. offers support, information, contacts, and a voice. We will be holding local fundraisers for Dads and their kids to support fishing charters, camping trips, and other activities. In the spring we will be offering a "grass roots" newsletter. It will contain upcoming events, an opinion section, court decisions, site of the month, support, and some of your emails.

Our mission is to bring out the truth “not all dads are dead beats”. Most of us are Fathers who love and care for our children. We want to share the smiles, the birthdays, helping with homework, and tucking in our children for the night. We want the right to just give our children a hug and tell them "I Love You". But for whatever reason, we are not allowed to.

I hope you gain insight, strength, and the courage to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours. This is a fight worth taking on. Remember, our children are depending on us.

Thank you for your support,

Sir Reginald Stevens Smith, Reverend
President and Founder

Children and Fathers Together

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