American Bar Association The ABA's Family Law Page! Including these great tables on the laws surrounding child custody, support, and divorce for everyone of the fifty states. If you need an attorney, make sure you check out our new attorney page!
The American Coalition for Fathers and Children The American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) , located in Washington, DC is the membership division of the American Fathers Coalition. Join ACFC to get help with your divorce problems, and register your voice in Washington.
Center for Successful Fathering Inc. Promoting the benefits of involved dads. We believe that children need the balance of mom and dad.
Children's Rights Council Formed in 1985, the Children's Rights Council (CRC) is a national non-profit organization based in Washington, DC that works to assure children meaningful and continuing contact with both their parents and extended family regardless of the parents' marital status.
Dadman's Fathers Rights Home page This page is dedicated to all the non-custodial parents that have been violated and victimized in the "family" courts across America. This page is about turning the tide and winning the war for the fathers of the future, and saving our children from the fate that we all know awaits them if we don't fight for change now. This is our call to action.
Dad's Against Discrimination Empowering fathers to take charge of their families through father custody options.
Dads and Daughters Dads and Daughters is a national nonprofit membership organization of fathers with daughters. DADs provides tools to strengthen our relationships with our daughters.
Divorce Interactive A "comprehensive" divorce resource, providing informative links, professional resource directory, articles, and news.
Divorce for Men Divorce for Men is devoted to helping kids see more of dad and all aspects of family law from Vancouver. Attorney Carey Linde has devoted a large portion of the site devoted to resources for father's. If you need an attorney, make sure you check out our new attorney page!
The Domestic Rights Coalition Specializes in court room advocacy. They offer 12 years of experience helping men and fathers protect their rights in the court system. Page contents include an extensive list of media contacts!
The Fathers Right Network A great resource! The FRN page includes a lot of contact information for the media, government, and other agencies!
The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (F.R.E.E.[tm]) The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange is a member-supported, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition. The primary mission of F.R.E.E.[tm] is to work to ensure that both parents are allowed and expected to be responsible and involved parents. For the non-custodial father this means being able to have fair time with his children, and being able to provide for them not just financially, but parentally as well, including being able to provide emotional and moral support, and generally being able to be a part of, and positive influence in, his children's lives.
Men's Defense Association A non-profit organization and the oldest and most trusted source of help for men - since 1972. They publish THE LIBERATOR, a news forum of the international legitimate men's/fathers' movement.
The Men's Health Network An organization devoted to improve the health and well-being of men.
National Congress for Fathers & Children NCFC is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization with an Elected Board of Directors, Continuously Serving the Fathers Rights Movement Since 1981
Parental Alienation Syndrome This page features a two part article on the Parental Alienation Syndrome. The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), so named by Dr. Richard Gardner, is a distinctive family response to divorce in which the child becomes aligned with one parent and preoccupied with unjustified and/or exaggerated denigration of the other, target parent.
USA DAD'S Dad's are parent's Too. Give a father a fair chance in getting equal time with his children, and I bet he won't disappear. The system creates Dead Beat Dads Syndrome by placing in the minds of every male on a crash course towards single fatherhood, the reasonable expectation that he will only get minimum time with his children unless he can prove the mother is putting cigarette butts out on their heads!!!
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